Hangzhi Blog
Learn more about knowledge of current transducers, voltage sensors and electrical measuring instruments. Learn how to use them and their applications.

5 Important tips on how to install a DC current sensor
The DC current sensor is a reliable and technologically advanced DC large current measuring instrument, which is widely used in metallurgy, chemical industry, carbon and other industries. The instrument can output standard voltage and current signals at the same time, and is used to match other instruments as a signal

Important tips on how to install a current sensor
The current sensor is mainly used in the fields of automatic control and remote control to realize real-time online data monitoring. It is a detection device that can sense the information of the measured current and can transform the sensed information into electrical signals or other required forms of information

Solid, Split Core Current Transducers, Which One Is Better
Current transducers are used to measure the current in a circuit and are a key component of every power monitoring system. Common examples include Hall current sensors, fluxgate current sensors, Shunt Resistor Transducers, Current Transformers, Rogowski coils, etc. Table of Contents Current Transducer Types There are two main types of

Learn About Current Sensor Status, Challenge And Prospects
Table of Contents In the vast and intricate realm of electrical engineering, a multitude of devices act as unsung heroes, quietly enabling the modern world’s technological marvels. One such device, often overlooked but undeniably pivotal, is the current transducer(current sensor). These unassuming instruments play a crucial role in contemporary electrical

You Need To Know The Special Benefits Of Using Transducers
Table of Contents Current transducers are amazing gadgets essential to many industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, and the automobile and aerospace sectors. These adaptable devices are crucial for various applications because they can transform one type of energy into another. This article explores current transducers’ many advantages and their effects on

How to judge the quality of current transducer?
Table of Contents What is a Current Transducer? Current transducer is a device that converts an electrical current into a proportional output signal. This output signal can be in the form of voltage, current, or frequency, depending on the transducer’s design. By utilizing various sensing techniques, current transducers provide accurate

Automotive Current Transducer
Table of Contents The Role of Current Transducers in Enhancing Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Efficiency In the past, battery-operated cars were limited to childhood toys and movie screens, but today, electric vehicles (EVs) have moved from futuristic concepts to everyday reality. EVs make up nearly 15% of global car sales—a figure