の fluxgate current sensor uses the non-linear relationship between the magnetic induction intensity and the magnetic field intensity of the high magnetic permeability core in the measured magnetic field under the saturation excitation of the alternating magnetic field to measure the weak magnetic field. This physical phenomenon seems to be a “gate” to the measured ambient magnetic field. Through this “gate”, the corresponding magnetic flux is modulated and an induced electromotive force is generated. This phenomenon is used to measure the magnetic field generated by the current, so as to indirectly achieve the purpose of measuring the current.
フラックスゲート センサー動作の基本原理
磁気回路において、磁束ゼロに等しい磁界を検出するには、2次コイルを必要な電流で励磁する必要があります。磁束ゼロの環境では、センサーの電流は二次コイルを介して強化され、測定された一次電流に比例することが確認されます。 。 Ip=Ns.強磁性コアと補助コイルは飽和インダクタを形成します。磁束がゼロの場合、センサーの磁気回路の検出はインダクターのインダクタンスの変化に基づいて行われます。
Hangzhi Precision - 最高のフラックスゲート電流センサーメーカーの 1 つ
杭志精密 is one of the best suppliers who manufacture top performance and cost effective フラックスゲート電流センサー. Hangzhi zero fluxgate 電流変換器 and current sensors have high accuracy, linearity & stability, and low temperature drift and zero drift. More details about the マルチポイントゼロフラックスゲート技術 は、杭州の専門家によって書かれ、IEEE の Web サイトに掲載されている記事で入手できます。
Few series of AC / DC current transducer products with different accuracy levels and output signal types are developed to meet various applications in different industries.
AIT High Precision Current Transducer
IIT Industrial Current Transducer
HIT Hall Effect Substituting Current Transducer
RIT Leakage Current Transducer
DIT High Precision Digital Current Transducer
BMS Automotive Current Transducer
CIT High Precision Split Core Current Transducer
Three-Phase Power Energy Meter Field Calibration Device
Zero Fluxgate トランスデューサのお客様
Hangzhi AC / DC zero flux gate current transformers have been widely used in electrical equipment, medical equipment, battery testing equipment and calibration equipment etc. Especially, they are well recognized by national R&D institutes, national metrology institutes, and global medical and electrical manufacturers