DIT High Precision Digital Current Sensor
DIT series high-precision digital current sensor products are a new generation of digital sensors developed and produced by Hangzhi. This product adopts brand-new software and hardware design, can measure single-phase AC and DC current and frequency at the same time. The high-precision digital current sensor provided by Hangzhi for the above equipment plays a key role in the measurement of current in its process control. The digitalized data output reduces the difficulty for customers to collect current signals and greatly reduced the cost of the customers.
Takket være Multi point nul flux gate teknologi and close-looped excitation control technology, Hangzhi high precision current transducer products have high accuracy, linearity & stability, and low temperature drift and zero drift features, and are providing services to our customers with the top performance and effective cost.

Hvad er digital strømsensor?
EN digital current sensor is a device that measures and monitors electric current flow in a circuit or system. It is referred to as “digital” because it often produces digital output via field bus like CAN-BUS or RS485, which can be easily processed and understood by digital electronic systems such as microcontrollers, computers, or other digital devices.
Digital current sensors are utilised in a variety of applications, including power control, industrial automation, and energy monitoring. Comparing to analogical current sensors, digital current sensors are easier to be integrated into the system and better capability of anti-interference.
Nøglefunktioner ved Hangzhi High Precision Digital Current Sensor

Høj nøjagtighed
Outputdata med 0,02% nøjagtighed

Digital dataoutput
Udlæs de målte strøm- og frekvensdata via RS232 / 485-interface.

AC / DC måling
Kan måle AC, DC og Pulse strømme og frekvens.
Hangzhi Digital Current Sensor Katalog med høj præcision
Produkt model
Primær strøm / RMS
Sekundært udgangssignal