Top nøjagtighed og omkostningseffektiv
Fluxgate Precision Current Transducer-produkter

HIT Hall Effect Substituting Current Transducer

DIT High Precision Digital Current Transducer
Præcisionsspændingstransducer og testerprodukter

HCV High Precision Voltage Transdcuer

Trefaset strømenergimåler feltkalibreringsenhed
Kalibreringsmålere med lavere nøjagtighed som multimeter, effektmåler osv.
Om os
Hangzhi er en højteknologisk virksomhed beliggende i Shenzhen, Kina, innovativt udviklet og designet højpræcisionsstrømsensorer og standardtestere med kombinationen af teknologier, bl.a. multipunkt nul-flux, flux excitation close-loop kontrol, selv-exciteret fluxgate teknologi og multi-close loop kontrol. Strømtransducerne kan detektere både DC-flux, AC-flux og højfrekvent ripple med en indbygget højfrekvent ripple-sensorkanal, som giver transducerne både høj forstærkning og nøjagtighed ved den fulde båndbredde.
New Product Release, News & Events

New 30KA High Current Sensor Can Measure Ultra-large Current
New product release | 30KA high current sensor: How to accurately measure the ultra-large current of the “artificial sun”? Recently, an exciting piece of news

5 Important tips on how to install a DC current sensor
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Important tips on how to install a current sensor
The current sensor is mainly used in the fields of automatic control and remote control to realize real-time online data monitoring. It is a detection

Solid, Split Core Current Transducers, Which One Is Better
Current transducers are used to measure the current in a circuit and are a key component of every power monitoring system. Common examples include Hall

Learn About Current Sensor Status, Challenge And Prospects
Table of Contents In the vast and intricate realm of electrical engineering, a multitude of devices act as unsung heroes, quietly enabling the modern world’s

You Need To Know The Special Benefits Of Using Transducers
Table of Contents Current transducers are amazing gadgets essential to many industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, and the automobile and aerospace sectors. These adaptable devices are